August 03, 2009

Yogurt Smoothie


Once in awhile, my dearest Sidney will send me a recipe that she thinks I'll like. She is the one who passed along the fantastic Pizza Dough Recipe and the Milkshake Smoothie recipes that have become essential to my life. The Yogurt Smoothie is quickly becoming my favorites. Just look at this thing.

I had the great fortune of getting to spend some time in San Francisco with Sidney last week. Let me tell you about this girl. We were roommates through most of college. Back when we lived in the dorms, Sidney would go to Meijer and purchase a pack of chicken wings and thighs, then she'd clean the chicken in the communal bathrooms of 28 Fredrick Hall, then come back to the room and cook up a mean chicken soup with the vegetables we had stolen from the cafeteria, on the hot plate we definitely weren't supposed to have. So while the other poor residents were eating shlop du jour down at the dining hall, I would be eating hot, homemade Chicken Soup (with a chinese flair, of course).

Anyways, back to the yogurt smoothie.

- 1/2 cup berries, frozen
- 1/2 cup plain, nonfat yogurt

1. Take some berries and freeze them. I used strawbs and bluebs.

2. Put them in a blender with yogurt. Blend till smooth, or you can leave chunks in it and eat it with a spoon.

DONE! it's a yummy, cool, and ridiculously healthy snack for a summer night. if you're not a fan of plain yogurt, you can mix in half a serving of regular flavored yogurt.

thanks, sidney! :D


  1. looks delicious...make me some.

    i love that berries picture, looks like something out of Kraft magazine

  2. thanks! sure, i'll make you some the next time i see you

  3. strawbs and bluebs = awesome abbrevs :D

  4. thanks! haha it's actually drew's idea, i just stole it.

  5. I hide protein, fiber, flax seed and green/blue algae in my smoothies.. Well I don't hide it anymore.. the kids know and they ask where the healthy crap is when they are making them.

  6. haha that's awesome, Cathy. ooh, i wonder how the yogurt smoothie would taste with flax seed.


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