May 27, 2008

Milkshake smoothie

A few weekends ago, my roommates from college and I had our annual reunion. We basically get together once a year, catch up on each other's lives, take a million pictures, and eat ravenously. Two nights in a row, Sidney made this delicious drink. It's wonderful, i'm totally hooked on these. Not only is it simple, but it's actually very healthy and has the texture of a milkshake. What more could you possibly want?
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup milk (i use skim)
  • 1 packet of hot chocolate mix
Blend! Serves 2. 155 cals per serving.

A few tips: i know it's a DUH statement, but you should peel the banana before putting it in the freezer. also, it might help if you cut it up into ice cube-sized pieces first.


[This recipe comes from Sidney's friend, but i forgot which friend it was]

1 comment:

  1. mmm thanks sun (and sidney)! this sounds good. i'm totally going to try it.


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