September 08, 2009

Hot Cocoa Cupcakes, Part II

Remember the Hot Cocoa Cupcakes I showed you yesterday?  Today, I'm gonna show you what I did with the second half of the batch of cupcakes I made.

Here is the plan for Part II!

Excellent, excellent.  Haha did you guys every watch Pinky and the Brain?  These diagrams kinda remind me of something Brain would make for world domination.

First, I whipped up a batch of buttercream frosting with raspberry flavoring.

1 stick butter
1 lb powdered sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp raspberry extract
3 tbsp milk

You whip the first three ingredients together, then add the last two.  Simple.  I added a little blob of red food coloring to make the frosting slightly pink.  You with me so far? 

Okay, then I frosted each cupcake lovingly.

Then I got some of these raspberries.

And placed one on each cupcake.  You have to make sure they're dry though!

Hum diddly dum.  La di da.  Jen den doh. 

Are they cute or what?  It doesn't take any talent or skill, and it's a simple way to dress up your cupcake so that they're more than just your average cupcake. 

I am a big fan of the chocolate raspberry combo, and for it to be realized in a cupcake is just a heavenly dream.

I especially love the tart berry against the sweet frosting and the deep, sultry chocolate underneath.

Um, and of COURSE i made them a little sign.

I made special sprinkled ones for my dear roommates.

Why are you so cute, little cuppity cake?

I took the rest to a callout later that evening, where many of you who are currently reading this right now got to have a taste.  :)  (Oh, and do you LOVE my cupcake caddy?  I thought so.)

Thanks for reading!  Go make some Hot Cocoa Cupcakes tonight, and tell me what fun way you decorated yours!

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