March 16, 2010

Spotlight: Korean French Pie

My mom and I went to the Korean grocery store a few days ago, and she always lets me grab whatever snack I want.  I got myself a box of these little pastry things.  They are called "French Pie", or, since Korean does not have [f] or diphthongs, it's written as hoo-ren-chi-pa-i.  Love it.

In the box, there are about 15 individually wrapped dealies like this.  Let me show you what the inside looks like.

Oh yum!  A flaky-crusted pastry with strawberry jam.

The layers of flaky pastry are just delightful.  Not sweet or too buttery (or else it would never sell in Korea, haha).

The perfect little size for dessert or snack with coffee, rather than those monster-size scary breakfast danishes.  These are just perfect.

 Let me break it open so you can see what the inside looks like.


Yum!  So flaky and light!  If you live near a Korean grocery store, you should totally go check out the snacks, because they are usually low calorie, low fat, and low sugar.  

Have a nomtastic day!


  1. Oooh! I remember scarfing these down..they're nice!

  2. Although it seems like a waste of packaging, I kind of like how most packages of Korean snacks/cookies/crackers/etc are in small individual packages..It keeps me from eating say, a row of oreos, haha. Kind of like the Korean version of 100-calorie packs

  3. hehe i agree, it's definitely a portion-control device :) plus, the tiny packaging is just so cute and very much the hallmark of east asia :)


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