March 03, 2010

Sugar Cane

I got one of these sugar canes at Whole Foods when i was in Chicago.  I got it because I remember back in 3rd or 4th grade, we were reading a story about some girl on a sugar cane plantation (?), and to get us into the story more, my teacher brought a big sugar cane to class.  She split it open and gave us a stick to chew on, and I remember enjoying it immensely, mostly cuz i like foods that take a little effort to get to (like pistachios that you have to peel).

So i bought this thing on a whim (for a whopping $0.68) and brought it back to my friends' house.  Yum.

Then I realized I had no idea what I was doing.  I decided to just go ahead and saw the thing to a more manageable size.  Then i snapped it at its weak point. (haha, that sounds like something Dwight Schrute would say)

The next step was tricky, but my friend Ronnie googled it, and you're apparently supposed to peel off the tough exterior.  So we did.

And then you're left with a solid but easy-to-cut stalk (um, i'm just making up these terms) and you cut them up into thinner stalks.

Okay, that's it.  You take each of these and chew out the sweet, sugary juices, then toss the fibery stalks when you're done. 

It was an enjoyable snack, and just as fun as i remembered it being.  Yay for memories living up to current standards!

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