February 14, 2010

Sunday Story: Valentine's Day

My first Valentine's day with my fiance (back when he was just a boyfriend--haha) was the cutest thing ever.  He made a lovely little scavenger hunt in this apartment, at the end of which I found him waiting for me with a bouquet of flowers :)  Oh, cute little us.  Even sweeter is that this was the first time he cooked dinner for me.  In his dinky hole-in-the-wall kitchen, he made steak, baked potatoes, and "burnt carrots", a family recipe from his mom's side.  A bottle of wine from Italy to go with the lovely dinner.   Chocolate strawberry torte and vanilla ice cream for dessert :)  Then we watched "24" with his roommates.  A perfect day for two nerdy foodies in love!

I know Valentine's day is cheesy and stuff, but once in awhile, it's kinda fun to indulge in that cheesiness.  Or at least, have an excuse to make good food to share with people you love.  Or buy heart-shaped cooking items.  Just sayin'.

Happy Valentine's Day, Sunny-side Up Recipes Readers!  I love YOU!


  1. Ah, yes. I remember him cooking that dinner well :) Happy valentines day to both of you!

  2. Thanks, steve :) and i'm so glad you messaged me about your username being "test", cuz otherwise, you comment above would have been uber-creepy. :) just sayin'.


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