February 26, 2012

Sunday Story: Etsy Store

So, today I finally broke down and opened an Etsy store!  You can check out the items by clicking on the tab.  I thought I'd try it out because friends have been urging me to do so for years.  I don't know if I've ever shared this with you guys on this blog, but I LOVE knitting.  I've been knitting since I was in my early teens, got somewhat serious in college, and got super crazy into it when I was in grad school.  I'm the crazy girl that owns numerous plastic tubs of yarn, gets yarn and knitting supplies for birthdays and Christmas, and carries a knitting project with me at all times.  So there you have my confession. 

My hobbies often find a way of intersecting.  Like my love of cooking/all things kitchen and knitting.  I've been really into knitting mug cozies (how cute is the concept?  sweaters for mugs?!), and I thought I would share these with the world through an Etsy Store.  So, peruse away!  I'll be adding more and more things as I complete them, but I thought I'd share the site with you guys first.  Have a great day!


  1. Hello! I just wanted to say that I love your recipes! :) Is that your dog in the photo in this blog? So cute! What kind of dog is it?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Sarah! Yes, that's my little stinker :) He's and American Eskimo that occasionally let's me put a scarf on him for a photo in exchange for a chicken chewy.


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