May 03, 2010

Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet potatoes are wonderful because you can basically just pretend they are potatoes, and make whatever you would normally make with potatoes.  The benefit is that sweet potatoes are much healthier for you!  With a much lower starchy content, they are better for people watching their figures.

I decided I would try making some chips with them in the broiler.  First, I washed the sweet potato, then I sliced them super thin.

Like, paper thin.  See?

And then I laid them on a paper towel so it'll dry off some of the moisture.

Okay, some of them are not so paper-thin, but get over it. 

I gave a cookie sheet a nice spritz with cooking spray.

I laid the slices on a sprayed cookie sheet, making sure they didn't overlap.

Then I put them in the broiler for 2-3 minutes.  And here's what I get!

Delicious little crispies!  A fun snack for kids from one to ninety-two.

I didn't salt them, put any oil on them, or sweeten them in any way.  It's just pure crispy chips made from sweet potatoes.  How nice!  I was able to make 3 batches using just half a sweet potato.

Yay to healthy snacks!  Enjoy!

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  1. sweet potato + healthy + snack - that totally needs to be made in my kitchen!! luckily my husband loves sweet potatoes so we always have them on hand!!

  2. Love this idea! Have shared it on our site at


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