November 12, 2009

How To Eat A Pomegranate

Someone said to me the other day, "I like pomegranate juice, but I wouldn't really know how to eat the actual fruit.  They seem mysterious."

So i thought maybe I'd show some of you who haven't tried it how to approach this mysterious new fruit.  And don't scoff at my dear readers who haven't tried or don't know--pomegranates became fashionable (at least in this part of the U.S.) only several years ago, it's a fairly new specimen for a lot of people.

First thing you wanna do it cut the thing in half.  There's a definite "top" to a pomegranate (the little frilly open part).  So if the "top" is the north pole, then cut the pomegranate into western and eastern hemispheres.  Get it?

I put it into a bowl first to catch all the juice.  See, the pomegranate is made of little red jewels of juice, and when you cut through the middle, you're exploding all the jewels right in the middle.

Anyways, so once you open it up, it looks like this.

Doesn't look like there's much to eat here, right?  Think again.

Under all the white, there are little jewels of juice packed into every nook and cranny of the fruit.  Okay, let's put half of it away for another day.

Half is plenty for one person in one sitting.

So now you have this thing...

Best way to eat it is to split this baby in half.  So try to kinda invert the thing.

It might kinda rip apart, which is fine.  See how the little jewels are hidden!

Each of these are wonderful little pockets of delicious juice.  You pop one in your mouth, then spit out the seeds.

And the great thing about a pomegranate (other than the fact that it's super healthy and is a good source of antioxidants) is that it's kind of an interactive fruit.  It's not like an apple or banana where you just eat it.  Pomegranates are fun because you pick out a little jewel pod from the hidden corners.  THEN you get to experience the pleasure of a little juice pod POP! in your mouth.  Yum!

It is really quite enjoyable!  They're a little on the pricey side, but it's worth checking out if you're curious :)  Like I always say, go explore new foods!  Experience new flavors, textures, colors!  There's so much more out there that you haven't get to it! :)

Have a great Thursday!


  1. 1. Pomegranates are fun! Yay! And I like how long they take to eat.

    2. I learned to open them by cutting off the top, scoring the rest as you might peel an orange, then pulling the "jewels" out in a bowl of water so red juice doesn't splash everywhere. It's faster and cleaner but you don't get the juice puddle that way :(

    3. And I eat the seeds! Are you not supposed to? Am I growing baby pomegranates in my belly?? (When I was little, my brother made me eat an apple seed, then told me it would grow and I'd have branches coming out my nostrils. Gotta love big brothers.)

    4. I <3 Sunny.

  2. i'm not the biggest pomegranate fan, but your photographs make me want to eat one now. that, and the phrase "interactive fruit" hahahah.

  3. Oh man I loooove pomegranates! When they get in season I usually end up eating about one a week, but it's so much work to get the seeds, hahah! I usually do it differently, though:

    I slice the top off, then score along the rind where it separates the little seed chambers, then put it in a tupperware of water and completely pull it apart, separating the seeds and throwing them in the water. Once I've gotten them all out, I rinse them clean and store them in my fridge in a little tupperware that I can carry around in my bag for snacking!



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