June 02, 2010

Toasting Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds add subtle but amazing flavor to many dishes.  My mom uses it a lot in her food, so she buys raw sesame seeds in bulk, then toasts them herself.  And then she puts some in a container and sends them home with me.  I saw these black sesame seeds at the Asian market and decided to replenish my decreasing stock.  I bought the black ones because I think they taste better.

To toast seeds, take a completely dry saucepan like this.

Add seeds and bring it to medium high heat.

Stir.  Like, actively stir.  You don't want any seed to sit against the hot pan too long, or else it'll burn.  So quick quick, stir stir.

Okay, once you hear little pops here and there, this should be a sign that it's almost ready.  See, what's happening is that you're releasing the flavor from the natural oils that are in the seeds.  Taste some.  Does it kinda have a little crunch-crisp to them?  That's good.  Remove from heat.

Now, before you store them, you want to cool them completely.  I poured it out onto foil.  I use foil because you want to make sure there's no moisture on the surface you're putting them on, and you can't always be sure of this when it comes to dishes.

It will be pretty hot, but you'll still be able to touch it.

Okay, so let that cool.  Draw a funny face in it.

Once the seeds are completely cool, you can kinda fold the foil (this is another reason to use foil to cool them on) into a slide.

And you can just....

Slide the seeds right into your container.

Now, this is a container with the seeds my mom gave me.  I decided to mix it all up for fun.

Yay!  Toasted seeds that can stay in your spice cabinet, ready to eat.

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