I have been doing a bit of cupcake baking for the past few months, and i think it's strange that i haven't posted anything about them here. I guess i don't really consider it cooking, since I bake out of a mix. But here's why that's okay: 1) I am a grad student and have no time, 2) out-of-the-box cakes are still pretty darn delicious, and 3) it costs a lot less to just get a $.99 box of Pillsbury than it is to get cake flour and all that nonsense.
Back to the original problem. It's still not really cooking cuz anyone can make boxed cake. So instead of doing a recipe or instructions, I'm just showing you pretty pictures. I hope that's okay. OH and these were all taken with my new telephoto lens! :)
Since i'm a poor grad student, i don't have a cooling rack for my baked goods. So i use the toaster oven :)
These cupcakes are for my Ling class, who have worked hard all semester on pretty challenging stuff, and I thought it'd be nice to end the semester by bringing in cupcakes and playing jeopardy as review. So i made these bizarro one-of-a-kind-cuz-I-can't-repeat-the-same-design cupcakes. (Sorry, the lighting is horrible though because i took these at midnight under my kitchen's fluorescent light.)
Here is the "Sunny". I love decorating them like this, they just look so cute!
Here are the ling inspired ones.
Instead of going with vanilla frosting, which is gross to me, I decided to go with the more tolerable chocolate frosting, which i will actually eat.
They were a hit! It was the first time i had made cupcakes for my students, but it'll definitely have to become a regular thing :)
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